
Category Scopea FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
CO2 emissionsb
Total(t-CO2 ABCD 17,005
- Plants and research centers(t-CO2 14,369 14,277 14,153
- Office(t-CO2 694 694 591
- Commercial fleet(t-CO2 1,942 2,044 1,941
CO2 emissions by Scopec
Scope 1(t-CO2 ABCD 4,362 4,505 4,313
Scope 2(t-CO2 10,701 10,466 10,431
Scope 3
- Category 5:Waste generated in operations(t-CO2
- Category 6:Business travel(t-CO2 1,236
- Category 7:Employee commuting(t-CO2 695
- Category 8:Upstream leased assets(t-CO2 1,941
- Category 12:End-of-life treatment of sold products(t-CO2 250
Total(GJ) ABCD 353,803 359,304 353,482
- Electric power purchased(GJ) 236,889 238,006 236,980
- Heavy oil A(GJ) 0 0 0
- Gasoline(GJ) 28,960 30,483 28,926
- LNG(GJ) 64,920 66,871 65,242
- City gas(GJ) 23,023 23,933 22,324
- LPG(GJ) 11 11 10
- Steam(GJ) 0 0 0
Water resourcesd
Water consumption(Thousand m3 ABC 341 354 348
- Groundwater(Thousand m3 338 352 344
- Public water(Thousand m3 3 2 4
Amount of wastewater(Thousand m3 322 323 310
- Sewerage(Thousand m3 13 9 13
- Other(Thousand m3 309 314 297
Water pollutiond
BOD(t) ABC 0.7 0.6 0.8
COD(t) 0.3 0.5 0.4
SS(t) 0.6 0.6 0.5
Waste generated(t) ABC 463 464 524
External recycled waste(t) 461 461 520
External recycled waste rate(%) 99.5 99.3 99.2
Final disposal(t) 2 3 4
Final disposal rate(%) 0.43 0.65 0.76
OA paper(Ten thousand sheets) 1,132 1,225 1,196
Air pollution
Particulate matter(t) ABC 0 0 0
SOx(t) 0 0 0
NOx(t) 0 0 0
PRTR dischargee
Handled(t) ABC 1.7 1.2 1.5
Released into the atmospheref(t) 0 0 0
Released into waterf(t) 0 0 0
Transferred to seweragef(t) 0 0 0
Transferred to waste(t) 1.7 1.2 1.5
Containers and package
Container and package recycling(t) AC 108 115 135
Environmental violations
Violation(Cases) ABCD 0 0 0
  • a:
    • A. Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
    • B. Head Office Plant of Mochida Pharmaceutical Plant Co., Ltd.
    • C. Saitama Plant of Mochida Pharmaceutical Plant Co., Ltd.
    • D. Commercial fleet
  • b: The CO2 emissions caused by electricity generation will be calculated using basic emission factor in FY2020 and FY2021, and adjusted emission factor in FY2022. The value in parentheses represents a reference value calculated using the adjusted emission factor.
  • c: The CO2 emissions per scope by the GHG protocol
  • d: Not includes branches and sales offices of Mochida Pharmaceutical Co.. Additionally, the data for FY2020 and FY2021 excludes data from Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.’s headquarters, which was temporarily relocated. The data for FY2022 includes some data from Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.’s headquarters (beginning operating out of the new office building from September 2022).
  • e: Not includes branches and sales offices of Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., because not applicable.
  • f: <1t

Environmental accounting(Scope: Head Office Plant of Mochida Pharmaceutical Plant Co., Ltd.)

Units:Thousand JPY
Category FY2022 Investments FY2022 Expenses
Environmental conservation costsa
Costs within our business areas 40,676 61,496
- Pollution prevention costs 0 45,972
- Global environmental conservation costs 40,676 1,207
- Resource recycling costs 0 14,317
Upstream & downstream costs 0 2,797
Environmental management costs 0 17,677
Environmental R&D costs 0 0
Social activity costs 5,374 577
Environmental remediation costs 0 0
Total 46,050 82,547
Category FY2021 FY2022 Y o Y
Environmental conservation benefits
CO2 emissions(t-CO2 10,161 10,228 67
Electricity usage(Thousand kWh) 15,330 15,410 80
Heavy oil usage(kL) 0 0 -
LNG usage(t) 1,225 1,195 ▲30
Water consumption(Thousand m3 238 240 2
Water discharge for public waters(Thousand m3 243 231 ▲12
Waste generated(t) 271 300 29
  • a:Include the cost for enviromental conservation;
    Partially include the cost for multiple parpose, in the propotion for enviroment-purpose;
    Exclude the depreciation expense for fixed asset.

Social(Scope:Non consolidated)

Category FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Employees information
Number of employees(Consolidated)(Persons) 1,558 1,544 1,529
Number of employees(Persons) 1,298 1,280 1,252
- Female(Persons) 360 369 378
Number of managers(Persons) 244 251 251
- Female(Persons) 24 27 30
Ratio of female managers(%) 9.8 10.8 12.0
- Targeta(%) 8.0 12.0 12.0
Number of new recruits(Persons) 42 38 37
- Female(Persons) 27 24 23
Number of mid-career hires(Persons) 20 21 20
- Female(Persons) 7 6 3
Ratio of mid-career hires(%) 32.3 35.6 35.1
Ratio of disabled employees(%) 2.4 2.6 2.4
Average age(Years) 42.3 42.4 42.4
Average years of service(Years) 17.0 16.9 16.8
- Male(Years) 18.0 18.0 17.7
- Female Years) 14.2 14.4 14.7
Difference in average years of service between male and female(Years) 3.8 3.6 3.1
Average annual salary(JPY) 7,960,936 8,101,401 8,330,221
Gender pay gapbAll workers(%) - - 70.5
- Regular workers (%) - - 72.3
- Part-time and fixed-term workers(%) - - 53.9
Human resources development
Retention rate after 3 years(%) 91.7 90.5 95.2
Staff turnover ratec(%) 2.5 2.8 3.4
Work-life balance
Number of employees who took holidays before and after childbirth leave(Persons) 12 19 16
Number of employees who took childcare leave(Persons) 34 68 40
- Female(Persons) 13 21 12
Ratio of male employees who took childcare leave(%) 48.8 90.3 75.6
Ratio of female employees who took childcare leave(%) 100 100 100
Number of employees using short-time work for childcare(Persons)) 38 35 37
Ratio of returning to work after childcare leave(%) 86.7 97.9 97.4
Occupational health and safety
Number of days of paid leave granted(Days) 19.2 19.2 19.2
Average usage of paid leave(Days) 11.2 11.3 12.0
Ratio of paid leave acquisition(%) 58.3 59.0 62.5
Average actual hours worked per year(Hours) 1,830 1,933 2,028
Average overtime hours per month(Hours) 3.4 5.0 6.4
Accident frequency rated 0 0 0
Employee stock ownership association
Number of members(Consolidated)(Persons) 586 582 591
Labor union
Number of members(Consolidated)(Persons) 1,005 1,006 996
Grant for studye(Million JPY) 262 252 260
  • a: The goal for FY2020 is until March 2021, while the goals for FY2021 and 2022 are until March 2026.
  • b: Ratio of the average annual salary of female employees to the average annual salary of male employees
  • c: Except for retired and a loan employee
  • d: Number of deaths and injuries by Industrial accident/Total number of actual working hours×1,000,000
  • e: Except for Conference co sponsorship fee

Governance(Scope:Non consolidated)

Category FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Board of Directors
Number of the Board(Persons) 10 10 10
- Outside members(Persons) 2 3 3
- Female members(Persons) 0 1 1
Audit & Supervisory Board
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board members (Persons) 5 5 5
- Outside members(Persons) 3 3 3
- Female members(Persons) 1 1 1
Officers' compensation of directors
Total(Million JPY) 281 309 347
Officers' compensation of Audit & Supervisory Board member
Total(Million JPY) 60 65 65
Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee
Ratio of Independent board member(%) 66.6 66.6 66.6
Meeting frequency
Board of Directors(Times) 14 13 13
Audit & Supervisory Board(Times) 17 16 16